Nostalgia Official Blog

Friday, August 28, 2009

take a load of vanity

I've got the the MV of New Perspective. eh.

You guys wait till I get to scan my latest artworks on paper and I post it here.

I am suffering from the cold, hostile stares of my classmates and the feeling of them being on their guard against me because of only one, childish, thing: Teh Crews.

Oh, yes. I am Queen Maggie Crew. I blog about my classmates and I don't care if they hate me or whatever. I am Queen Maggie and that's why I was shaking with anger when Jaime was trying to kill me on the same day of the oath taking of the class and club officers. That's why I wanted to slap him hard across his face and tell him to go screw himself. And maybe, that is why I am writing about it now. What do you think?

Damn. But that is not all.

Liyar, who was a friend of mine, who ditched me for another set of friends, is actually on their side. It hurts when someone you considered as a friend betrays you. Don't try to tell me that you're a loyal person, Liyar, because by that, you actually talking some shit. Trying to look for clues and for proof of me being Queen Maggie in my Diary, huh? Screw yourself as well.

Blame me. Blame me if that makes you happy and if that saves your egos from having one blogging about what she does not like about you without even knowing who the hell she is. Losers.


You can’t decide ‘cause you’ve already chosen him.

You might have seen me gone in web these past weeks. I just had troubles dealing with our DSL; well it always messes up, always dear. Yes every second of my life dear.

I can’t wait to see school, my break was such a long boring one and I can’t accept the fact that I have to wait & stay home for two days again. However, school isn’t that fun for a kid like me. (gasp) catfights, dramas, reality are kinda boring. But secrets, dirty little secrets are amusing. Moreover, I am not and won’t share those secrets. I essentially put them on a safe place in my mind and sell them. Isn’t that strange? Selling secrets? No it’s not strange it’s a w k w a r d.
x x x,Rofly

Thursday, August 27, 2009

And in the end, you call them beautiful.

I hear the students shouting, scattered all around the court for silk screens and paper. Our president tries to organize them, though. It's the printing of shirts.

Just beside us, the seniors are practicing their cheers. All together, they yell them and you could sense slight pride. When you look at the classrooms at the second floor, you could notice that the juniors have covered their windows with news paper.

It is our intamurals soon.

All these are being witnessed by our vice principal, as she observe silently on the stage, with a tumbler on hand, calm and looking satisfied. How mellow the soft strikes of light in a late afternoon makes you.

It was a scenario to take in, to remember and to let endear itself to your heart strings.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

One moreeee to go.

It's August 2 2009.
It's nearly one year since Yael && I started this band. And still we haven't yet played any instrument.
One more to go && happy one year \:D/.

I haven't blogged here for a very long time. I'll do some blogging here, soon.